

  • If you eat any sort of processed foods or microwave meals (sometimes an Amy's bowl is all I have time for) your sodium intake is shot for the day.
  • One thing I've learned since getting back to eating well and exercising: I have to get up and get to the gym. I will lay in bed and think of many excuses, and tell myself "sleep another hour and go to the gym on lunch break". Well, lunch break comes and goes most days and I'm lucky if I even have time to sit and eat.…
  • You can do this. If I can do it, anyone can do it. I just started Tuesday morning. Already 2 pounds gone, in five days. This site has made me realize several things: (1) my portions were out of hand, (2) things I thought were "somewhat healthy" were nowhere close to being good for me, and (3) healthy foods can be very,…