

  • Exercise machines are often not very accurate and vary machine to machine. You are probably going at a moderate pace at 13 mph but the best thing to do is to monitor your heart rate. There are a lot of online tools that will help with this. Monitoring is an accurate way to know how you are doing. If heart rate monitoring…
  • I know a man who has lost a lot of weight and kept it off. EB is 64 years old, he lost over 100 lbs. (255 to 135) about 25 years ago and has not gained any of it back, this is how he does it: He eats nothing that is not healthy. You know what I'm talking about here: no chips, ice cream, heavy sauces, deserts, fatty meats,…
  • Stuck at 206, goal of 185
  • I'm outside the age range at 61 but I've been fit and healthy most of my life. I think I'd be a good addition to the group, I'd like to join.
  • Try replacing the 400 Bugle calories with 4 or 5 apples (you'll be full after 1 or 2)
  • My wife is also over weight but the fact is I love her to the ends of the earth. For years I tried everything I could think of the get her to exercise and eat better. I had to realize that she is who she is and I can either accept her or I can leave the relationship. I had to ask myself, if her weight and poor health an…