

  • I asked my trainer this question one time because I used to work out at 7 AM with him. He said the best thing is to eat a light snack about 30 minutes before your workout so that you start your metabolism and have more energy to get through your workout. Then, after your workout, eat a lean protein. Hope that helps!
  • I recently chose to try a vegetarian lifestyle. I've only been doing it for about three weeks, but I really think it is something I can stick with. I was wondering if anyone out there has any recipe ideas or tips for sticking with a veggie diet. Thanks!
  • I second the comment about Kashi cereals. They are wonderful, healthy, and all natural. The GoLean Crunch is great because it has added protein to keep the kids full. It also has a very good cinnamon flavor.
  • Hi, I joined this mainly for the calorie counter. I'm not usually a message-board-poster, but I thought it might be a good idea. I just finished some training sessions with a personal trainer...he helped me lose 10 lbs! My goal was 15 so I've still got that last home stretch. I'm pretty good at keeping myself motivated for…
    in Hello Comment by megmarie February 2008