Inspires1 Member


  • EASIEST BASIC RECIPE EVER! I do a green smoothie almost every morning, and another for lunch if I am looking to lose weight. Prepare the raw ingredients on the weekend and blaze it up every morning. The Nutribullet blends things beautifully - very worth the $$$, Garden of Life Protein Powder is my go-to (non-GMO, Organic,…
  • Inspires: I will put good food in and get a good workout out!! jrme: I will not put junk in my body today!
  • Hello All! :smile: I have really let myself go due to school & work stress. I’ve been super busy and, by New Years, really regret neglecting my health. I don’t know my starting weight, since I thought stepping on a scale Jan. 1st would be too depressing (I'm planning my first weigh-in to be Feb.1st). However, I'm doing at…
  • Hello! :) I have found that, the older I get, the more I need to incorporate weights into my workout routine. Cardio is great for burning extra fat, but muscle is what really makes the difference long term. I don't lift a lot or do reps, but I do use 5-10 lbs weights during my workout videos - as well as ankle weights and…