jessk81 Member


  • Sorry for the long intro, I've never posted about my journey before: I started my weight loss journey shortly after having my son in Feb 2013. I started at 5'3 175 lbs. Pre-pregnancy I was around 135-140 lbs for years. Initially I had lost 20 lbs in 3 months but was battling postpartum depression and it took over my life.…
  • I bought my 10 yr old daughter a book from American Girl. It's called The Care and Keeping of You.They have 2 editions. The 2nd is more about the sex conversation. I went through it with her and answered any questions she had. Now if she gets curious she can go through it herself or ask me. I think it's a good starting…
  • Hi, I'm 31 and have a 9 year old and a 4 month old. I agree completely that it's much harder to loose the weight after 30. :( Right now I am heavier than when I was 9 months preggo at age 22. It just fell off the first time. This time around not so much. Good luck with your weight loss journey. Feel free to add me. :)