Virginia High - Bearcats!
I was sad to hear they pulled baseball and softball and kept other sports, to me, those are real sports compared to say shooting, you know?
24 here :flowerforyou:
40's and your best feature is that you sort of look like my aunt and I don't get to see her often :flowerforyou: and your pretty smile!:smile:
20 and your pretty long hair!
I don't live in East TN but I do live in Southwest, VA!
Softball Gear Stadium Seat Jacket
- I thought that maternity leave was covered under FMLA act...however I see now there are restrictions....
I've been on the pill for 6 years and usually if I spot, it's about 2 weeks (for a couple days) before the start. Doesn't happen every time but here and there. I do believe I asked the GYNO and she said it was normal to do so, however if it's heavy, I would probably be a bit worried.
I hate, HATE getting the dreaded "sock tan" :grumble: I use to play softball all the time and wore ankle socks and boy did I have white feet! Now, I just have a flip flop tan.:tongue:
I was born in 1988 :frown: The fact that my nephew is a senior in HS now makes me feel old!
Mine too! However, those were songs when I was a child and before that! LOL
I have thrown a hanger in anger and it was thrown back at me (harder) but thankfully missed me and stuck in the wall. Now, being silly, when the BF tries to sneak up on me and scares me I usually throw at him whatever is in my hand and not even on purpose I just ...throw things lol time, it was a cookie! haha! We…
I agree. I watched the first episode of the HBO series then I read the first two books within a couple of months. Even though I have read the books, I still don't know all the characters on the series! He jumps around a lot too which may make it hard (for some)
I am on the fourth book of the series...."A Feast for Crows" and I am almost done with it and am waiting for the 5th book to come to paperback so I can read it!
Same here with first and last name. Misspelled and Mispronounced all the time! When I was in 7th grade they even spelled my FIRST name wrong on an award that I received.. My first name is Vita pronounced Veeta.
Take the ouch out of waxing Sure, waxing is the quickest way to smooth your bikini line, but the last time you used an at home kit, you shrieked so loudly the neighbors called! To sidestep the pain, dust the area with baby powder before applying the wax. The powder will absorb moisture and body oils so the wax can properly…
I believe it does to an extent! I mean, it still does hurt but it's at least not ripping off my skin.
I have been using this kit for a while now Don't have to mess with the strips, just test it on your wrist before you apply. Also, I apply baby powder to the area before hand so the wax sticks more to the hair and less…
My mom always said Don't put new shoes on the bed (or any other place besides the floor) If a broom falls it means someone is coming for a visit. I believe, depending on which way it faces means male or female.
Some people can be really good defensively but suck at hitting. I can see where a DH is beneficial!
The Strangers was pretty scary to me! I agree with all the other ones that people have posted too!
I have had some bad haircuts before! I just got mine cut recently and well, it's not awful, but I am just not feeling it. I would play around with ways of pinning it up and see what you like the best. I have had to do that with mine and my bangs (they were cut WAAAAY to short)
The lot next to where I lived was empty for years and when it would snow, we would ride sleds down it because it was slightly sloped. Me and my friend had this genius idea to stand up on those long sleds and go down. Let's just say... ouch! LOL
For whatever reason, I started pouring water over a hot bulb in my lamp above my bed, needless to say, it burst one day.:embarassed: I also use to stick little clips in the light switch and it would spark. :indifferent:
1 or fewer of me. Pretty sure I am the only one :tongue: •There are 4,703 people in the U.S. with the first name Vita. •There are 2,757 people in the U.S. with the last name
You should get color wonder markers! Only work on the special paper LOL My cat has chewed through two Wii sensor bar cords, she chewed on my laptop charger that I had to replace and has destroyed two sets of blinds. Not really expensive but when she doesn't get her way she likes to chew LOL As for my bf's dog, he swallowed…
I thought you were going to say that your boss was female and left and came back as a male :tongue: