

  • I wouldn't advise it. That stuff is packed full of so much crap. My own personal opinion on weight loss is a well rounded healthy diet. Eating clean foods is key. Additives and preservatives make it difficult to lose weight. If you want to do shakes and stuff like that invest in some super foods. It's expensive but you can…
  • I also would like to lose weight. I won't get on the scales until I see results... I have been so bummed out because I weigh the same that I did when I was 9 months pregnant. I need to lose at least 40 pounds. Good luck everyone!
  • Hello, I am new on here too. I actually joined about 7 months ago but never really took advantage of it, but now i am ready to stick to my guns. I feel you on the carb situation, I am also trying to cut back. It is very hard at first, but now i hardly miss pasta and potatoes. My problem is bread, now i only eat whole live…
  • I'm in TENNESSEE too!!:wink: