

  • I have a book called The Women's Health Big Book of Exercise. It is an excellent book and has over 600 different exercises with pictures and descriptions on how to perform the exercises properly for both machine and free weights. It also has 6 and 12 week work out plans in the book for you to do depending on what your…
  • Yep, excellent advice.
  • I agree with the others. You really should see your doctor. I was diagnosed with severe depression just over a year ago and through medication, changing my way of eating and regular exercise I am in a totally different place in my life now. There are things you can do to make things better, you do have options. Take that…
  • We all end up binging. You'd have to be a robot to never give in sometimes. Just chalk it up to a lesson learned and try to eat super clean tomorrow.:smile:
  • A body fat caliper and a tape measure are better ways of measuring your progress than a scale. I to am not seeing the change in the numbers on the scale but I was told that my body is gaining the muscle faster than losing the fat. It will all balance out in the end.