

  • there is a big difference between doing strength based workouts and cardio/strength circuits. doing few reps of very heavyweight is going to tax your nervous system quite significantly and you will need a few days to properly recover, however circuit training with i'm guessing a lot of bodyweight exercises and light…
  • Firstly, eat more food. 1800 calories is not enough for a 17 year old guy, especially one that is active. You will find that if you eat more, you will actually have greater energy expenditure throughout the day. And when you work out you will be able to train harder. Eating too little at your age will cause stunted…
  • Dorms are a rip off in terms of just living costs.. but in the first year of uni, the experience of living with everyone in the same situation, having lots of fun, is sooo worth it. I'm not in a situation where I can live at my family home, but in the second and subsequent years you may want to live at home, or just live…
  • 1. the shortened lifespan of people form thousands of years ago was shorter because of the harsher conditions. If we had a severe lack of hygiene, clean water, medical practice and very basic tools for protection against other predators , our lifespan would suck too, just look at poverty stricken areas of Africa and…
  • Eat more protein and fat and eat less carbs. Carbs are not helpful for satiety and after like 100-150 grams of carbs in a day all your doing is feeding your body fat unless you've done a high intensity work out. (aka, resistance training, or HIIT based training) If you want to loose body fat, insulin is your enemy. Insulin…
  • well getting adjustable dumbbells, or a set with different weighted dumbbells is useful as it allows for doing different exercises as well as eventual progress. 10kg for bicep curls is probably a good place to start. But as long as you are doing press-ups and sit-ups, i would suggest adding squats and/or lunges into that…
  • you should just do lots of compound exercises if you want to build muscle, and loosing fat is pretty much down to diet. Id suggest you should start with doing lots of bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, press-ups, dips, pullups (if you can do them). and then getting adjustable dumbbells, or a barbell, in order to do…
  • So are you saying you havn't lost any weight in 3 weeks? It is important to record everything you eat if you want to be successful, although it would seem that your at a pretty good weight for your height already, and your body is not going to want to drop much more weight. However as a fellow student I would say that if…