

  • I have that same problem!. I find my hardest area is my belly bulge after having three kids, 2 of which were C Sections. I know that crunches won't spot reduce belly fat, so I do cardio. I am trying the interval training bit too, hope it works. My body seems to get used to jogging and nothing happens on the scale, very…
  • Good luck, I feel like I am constantly starting again....don't beat yourself up! This is my first time actually writing down every morsel I put in my mouth and it is an eye opener for sure.
  • @tn2010 Loved your words: "you can live the the pain of discipline or live with the regret." So true. If we can get our brains around what we are doing to soothe ourselves (with food) then maybe we can change. Just starting again, for the 100th time! Gotta make a change.