

  • I'm 5'1" and currently 139 shooting for 118. When I got married 13 years ago I weighed 98 and was tiny but not sickly. However, over the years I have "filled out" and couldn't imagine being that thin again. I am most comfortabe at 112-120. But at 5'3" 110 is definetly doable, but I would worry about being any less than…
  • I started Jillian Michaels 30 in January and love it. I rotate it now with her Shred it w/weights (which is a kettlebell workout) SO GREAT. I just purchased Ripped in 30 but haven't tried it yet. I am not super coordinated so those other type of workouts never appealed to me. I love to dance but on my own terms, I can't…