

  • I make sweet potato wedges and then oven bake them. Add spices & garlic etc then coat with oil and stick on a baking tray. I am not yet sure of the calorie content but they are yummy! I also make soup out of them which is very tasty!
  • Maybe tell them a white lie and say you've developed allergies and have to be very careful with food! Might make people think before tempting you. I find in my office that the people who say they are dieting are tempted by others keep bringing cakes in, I firmly believe the only bring the cakes in so the dieters fail!
  • I eat clean but when I eat foods with high sugar or fat in, I feel under the weather, my tummy feels bloated and I get migranes. I notice the difference when I only eat natural foods, it makes me feel alive!
  • I have a booked called 'Clean & Lean' by James Duigan, which helped me to make myself clean and lean. There are recipes in the book as well as a recipe book you can buy separetely. The lifestyle of being clean is good for you and does work!