jess804 Member


  • Yes I totally understand Im 37yrs young and my dosage has been bumped up multiple times just within the last couple of years and I am at the 125 dose currently....I like to exercise but get busy...I work full time and have 3 kids 1 full time & 2 part time....So I squeeze exercise in between working, cooking, cleaning &…
  • Ok Thank you :)
  • Hi there reduce carbs/fat/sugar & sodium bulk up on protein and lots of water!!!! You need strength traing & cardio to lose but it is attainable :) Good luck
  • Sometimes I feel like the food journal dictates my life........and I dont like to feel that way.
  • People keep telling me im probably building muscle but I want & need to lose fat??? I dont want to "bulk" up n weight more I want to weigh a healthy weight n be physically fit. I am considered OBESE for my height n weight.
  • All I drink is water, milk , n coffee.........tomatoe juice or v8 on occassion
  • I actually drank my coffee black today, it was different and yes guilty for not eating a ton of fresh fuirt n veggies cause im allergic to most of the pesticides used and ive tried organic too but sometimes they r just as bad if not worse with being around chemicals before entering a store! I'm also allergic to apples,…
  • Thank you
  • me too.....keep up the good work!
  • I am very similar idk anymore? sorry?
    in Stuck Comment by jess804 February 2011
  • Whats weird to me is I use to only eat pasta & veggies and boneless, skinless chicken once in awhile and had no problems maintaining my weight 3 yrs ago??? Dont know whats changed except life around me and I know when Im stressed my body holds onto things whether I want it to or not:(
  • Last year at this time I actually did a 7 day cleanse where you wean yourself from certain things the first day or two then its a special liquid diet only for 3 days and then slowy back to normal. I was sooooooo sick. I threw up the first day I didnt have coffee and wanted a cup so bad but didnt do it, I went 6 or 7 days…
  • I actually enjoy working out because its "me" time and I have been struggling to take "me" time and have finally done it! And ya I feel great after a work out and a shower I feel like a million bucks but then when I look in the mirror I don't like what I see:(
  • Thank you but honestly I don't even remember the last time I had fast food because it usually upsets my stomach:(
  • Ibought a heart monitor/calorie counting watch to help and input what I do for exercise........Thank you
  • I forgot to add that I've gained 2 lbs over the last 6wks rather than losing:(
  • yes you can but one more note about splenda it is made with a form of chlorine so anyone who has thyroid issues should NOT use splenda! Just an FYI....
  • Wow you did fabulous and congrats on the gift of life:) I am in the same situation I have always been overweight but with a few exceptions. I am currently at 212 and i am only 5'4" I am only 10 lbs away from my delivery weight :( My daughter is 11. I have gained 62 lbs in the course of the last 3 years and have just now…