I am taking a break from drinking too. The calories really add up. I am going until Valentine's Day.
I feel like I m starting over as I have gained almost 150lbs being laid up since June from a bad accident I finally had ankle surgery mid November. And have been down with foot elevated for over 2months. I finally got the last cast off and can walk some still no working out. But I must get diet under control and get back…
Sounds like me sign me up.
I am watching mine and am frustrated that I can't stay below but I think it is the fruit that does it. A banana almost puts me at the limit. So I started watching the other added sugar and not worried so much about a banana a yogart putting at limit.
Apple and a about 10 almonds. (raw not salted or anything ike that). that is a great snack and lots of fiber from the apple keeps me satisfied.
I usually throw in an apple and some raw almonds. I also bring my good metal water bottle (empty through security) then fill it up and keep myself hydrated. the little glass of water they give you on the plan is a joke.
I use mine only when I am doing interval work. This helps me in my training. As we have all heard intervals is the best way to blast the most calories in less time. So I love mine for that reason.