

  • WOW, what a fantastic weigh loss, well done!
  • Hi there, also new to this yesterday so hopefuly we can provide each other with support to make a go of it!!!! :happy:
  • Absolutely! Always good to have someone for motivation! We still have some 'bad' food around the house from Xmas time so will need to start donating it to other people so that I am not tempted, although a little of what you fancy does you good too. Just knowing when to stop!
  • Hi Jessica, my name is Joyce and I am also a stay at home mum to a 18 day old baby girl, Rebecca. I dont have the excuse of her snacking all day, not yet anyway, but am seriously needing to lose the "eating for two" pounds I gained over the last 9 months. So will definitely be your diet buddy if you're still looking for…