lkuhbander Member


  • Have you thought about getting some outpatient PT to help with the acute management of bursitis? The PT's would have access to some modalities to help provide relief and can also look at your muscles to see where you may be out of balance. HTH.
  • Microwave popcorn is a good choice. You can eat A LOT of it, which is good if you are a bulk eater, for not a lot of calories. Just get the 94% fat free kind. You can always buy the popcorn seasoning to flavor it up. Watch the salt, but otherwise-enjoy! If it is sweets you are craving, try to go for a cup of skinny cow,…
  • Mine is public and I have a blog at I journal my food on there and my struggles and successes. Feel free to read it and comment-we all need all of the support we can get! Lauren