rmaynard310 Member


  • I'm currently at 1103 consecutive days. I know that's not a record, but it has helped me to lose weight, then maintain my weight for the last three years. :)
  • Egg Beaters Omelet made with chopped peppers (50 calories), a 4 ounce glass of orange juice (55 calories), and a large cup of coffee with non-dairy creamer (40 calories).
  • I have been using Chia seeds for the last month to get that "full" feeling that the clerk at the Vitamin Shoppe said I would experience. I usually put a scoop into my oatmeal at breakfast at 7:00am. Now instead of feeling hungry at 11:00 in the morning as I was prior to the seeds, I am feeling hungry at 9:00am. And the…
  • Fact is, the more people that legally carry in a community, the less gun violence there is. MD has terribly restrictive gun laws, and now Baltimore is coming close to Detroit in murder rate.
    in Guns Comment by rmaynard310 October 2013