

  • OMG! This is all so me! It had gotten out of control to the point that I was planning what I was going to binge on all day, stop at the store and buy $20 worth of junk and eat most of it that night! I looked forward to it...tonight I get to eat McDonald's, chocolate and watch reruns of Gilmore Girls, can't wait! It's sad…
  • Also, I will be traveling with my boyfriend for thanksgiving and meeting his family for the first time (some I've met before). I'm VERY nervous and very worried about how I look because they are all very vain and the grandmother is practically anorexic. I'm so the opposite lol. I just want to look but also feel pretty and…
  • Thank you all so much for your replies. Friday is my weigh day and it seems I'm down 1/2 lb since last week. Surely it's because of my working out because my eating was not great. At least not great more days than not. The only constant is my meals. I'm able to eat portion controlled low cal b, l, d but then I want to…