

  • I too never was good about eating any vegetables other then potatoes, mashed or baked. As far as fruit couldn't remember the last time I even had an apple. I started by eating salads adding apples or raw vegetables. I eat much better eating a apple, orange, banana, or other fruits for my snack. I have even gotten fruits in…
  • I don't know what areas sell Skinny Cow ice-cream bars, but I ran into them here in Ohio. They have a number of different flavors and all are around a hundred calories. Everyone that I have tried have been very good.:happy: :happy:
  • When I open a store door for my wife (uses a walker) and people coming out walk through the door in front of us. It's surprising how young children will open a door for us and parents will walk in first.
  • I am trying to do the same. One of the biggest reasons was to feel better. My doctor thought that if I lost around ten pounds I would do better with my Parkinsons and Hypromyalgia. I been eating better and watching the calories now for over twenty days. I have lost nine pounds and am doing so much better. Good luck. The…
    in new Comment by jengbloom February 2011
  • I always exercise after breakfast as I too get light headed. Checking by blood sugar and it gets too low if I don't eat before I exercise.
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