Love 3 but wouldnt love stripy tan lines, so number 1
If he said those things, it to me feels like a strange reaction. Shouldn't it be more like him trying to get you to trust him or comming accross anguished that your misunderstanding him? instead he's chosen the well fine guess it wont work responce. sounds like he's trying to blame it falling apart on you so he can walk…
My gym has a great little page on there web page which logs when people go to it (you need to use your personal pin no. to get through the door) so I can see which times of day are less buisy and just jump into there. I guess gyms need this time of year think all those people who decide they can't be bothered after a month…
you look really great, I wasnt going to but I think i'm now going to take a few before pics and then some more at key goals. what a fantastic boost to see the difference, like that. Really well done!
Bolied Eggs x2 Pretzels 25g (apx 10) Jelly Pop Corn twiglets