ocd_knitter Member


  • This topic sure hits home with me. I have been caring for mom since 1994, that was a breeze compared to the last year. Mom is living in a moldy home and it is effecting her mentally. She is now paranoid and suspicious. I have tried every avenue, agency I can think of to get her help. Nothing since I don't have power of…
  • I an new to the vegan world Jan. 2012. So far I am liking it. I became vegan for health reasons. I wasn't digesting meat and had issues with dairy. I don't think I am a true vegan, I still eat honey and other things made by animals I guess. Just no meat/dairy. I have always been a veggie lover so it wasn't as hard as I…
    in Welcome! Comment by ocd_knitter May 2013
  • My goal is 96oz a day with exercise especially! I love water anyway so adding 32oz is a breeze! :drinker: :laugh: