

  • I was told every 7-14lb you lost dropped you a dress size. I've lost 25lb and have gone from a 14 to a 12 and can sometimes fit into a 10 (which I'm incredibly proud of :D) depending on where I get the clothes from. It's my top half that annoys me, it hasn't shrunk much so it winds me up when sometimes I have to wear the…
  • I've lost weight from my boobs :/ dropped a cup size which i'm not happy about but I guess I'm just gonna have to deal with it lol
  • Stressing out! I've got huge exams coming up in school so I've got to spend the next few months studying for those but I don't want to stop working out. I'm only using home exercise machines so it's not like I've got to travel to the gym or anything but most days I'm staying late at school so I'm home at about half four,…
  • That amount of weight loss is amazing! How did you manage to lose that much so quickly?