To whom it may concern, please do not "blame" Your Dad! I just lost my Dad, in February, he we my closest relative, @ the time! :( Revert your anger, toward the disease, not a human being, with such a complicating disease!
Lynda, how many 50 Mg TABS, do you usually take, a day? Phyllis @};~
Katatak, may you friend request me? Phyllis @};~
My Mom started popping boils, around 8-10 years of age! One time, she had my Dad pop one, & I was soooo embarrassed, & I think two of my brothers, were in their room! I would get them, about every six months, or so....blackhead type ones, all in between my legs! I had a bad one, during my pregnancy, in 1987! I had a few…