

  • Alternatively Eating Nuts Daily Could Help Control Type 2 Diabetes and Prevent Complications, Study Suggests Eating Nuts Associated With Improvements in Cholesterol Levels Benefits of Nut Consumption…
  • If by not as efficient you mean not burning as many calories. The more out of breath you are, the more oxygen your muscles are demanding and generally this means you are burning more calories. You don't necessarily have to switch it up, but as you get fitter you should gradually increase the workload, for example on a…
  • When you start strength training your muscles start to store more glycogen ( carbohydrate) and each gram of glycogen draws in an additional 3 to 4 g of water, so it's typical to see some weight gain when you first start but since it's not fat there's no need to worry. You will probably see the rate of weight loss increase…
  • I'm not trying to argue that its pointless doing resistance training. As you said, for all round fitness and a good body both resistance training and some form of cardio should be done. But with a time constraint, in her case, she would be better of doing just cardio. I u?nderstand all the reasons you and others have given…
  • If you read my first post on this thread you should be able to find it.
  • Her goal was to lose fat. As the study suggests, given her time constraints she should focus on cardio. As long as her deficit is not too extreme and she gets enough protein she will lose much more fat than muscle. If her goal is to lose fat without losing any lean body mass then of course weights twice a week will help…
  • Not many but I was talking about those who referred to increasing her metabolic rate. She doesn't need to worry too much about maintaining muscle mass other than to eat enough protein at the moment. The reason being that from her original post it would seem that her body fat is well over 20% and therefore so long as her…
  • I think a lot of people missed that you were short on time and that you are a Mom so it's gonna be difficult to gain enough muscle for it to have a significant impact on your metabolic rate. In your case I think cardio wins, but don't take my word for it, search and read the summary of a scientific study titled Effects of…
  • Your activity level is more significantly influenced by what you spend most of your day doing. So a desk job is sedentary, a teacher is lightly active, nurse, moderately active, construction worker, very active. The reason it's better to add in any exercise done after that is for accuracy. Most people overestimate their…
  • I didn't say the OP was sedentary, but she does have a desk job. So for the bulk of her day her activity level is sedentary. That's why the best bet is set activity level to sedentary and then add all the calories from exercise.
  • Hate to be the bearer of bad news but your activity level is not very active. You say you have a desk job. If you are very active, what would a construction worker or tree surgeon be? Your exercise seems to total about an hour a day, so one hour a day with a desk job may just about make you lightly active. Best bet is set…
  • They can be wrong by several percent so they are one of the more inaccurate ways to measure body fat, the reason being that they measure how easily electricity passes through your body and this is influenced significantly by hydrated your body is. However, they will be adequate if you just want to track changes in your…