starladolihite Member


  • The guy in the "Supersize Me" would have been just as bad off, if he had done that at any of the other fast food restaurants or even fine dining ones for that matter! At least when it comes to fast food, McDonalds does offer some choices.... good salads, grilled chicken options on wraps... use little or no sauces and…
  • That's what I've been doing but sometimes I am still over and when I saw something called a daily calorie deficit come up today I wondered if I could think of that as a little extra margin... not that I would make a habit of being right on the margin:)
  • Then I don't need to feel guilty if I eat, say 1690 calories on a 1290 daily goal, even if I only burned 200 calories, because I have the 500 daily calorie deficit, which basically takes into account an estimate of additional calories burned from "living"? Since I am still under 1790, I should lose some weight, but best…
  • ok then, if my daily calorie goal is 1290 (with a projected wt. loss of 1 lb. per week) but I eat 1490 calories a day and burn 200 calories through exercise, I should be able to lose approximately 1 lb. per week? Do I even need to worry or be concerned with the Daily calorie deficit? I never even saw it until today when I…
  • ok... still trying to understand.. so, in order to lose 1 lb. per week, I really need to stick to the daily calorie goal of 1290 that mfp has set for me, without any regard to the deficit? Or, can I go over, up to the 1790 and still see myself losing, just not necessarily at a rate of 1 lb. per week?
  • What is the Daily Calorie Deficit anyway? Mine is projected at 500 calories... what exactly does that mean. My daily goal is 1290 calories per day. How do those 2 work together?