KristinaG_is_losing_it Member


  • It's true, I drink only water and one 10oz cup of coffee a day with two int'l delight creamers and 6 drops of stevia. I was never a huge soda drinker to begin with so I don't think its been that much of a drastic change for me over the last few years. I cut alcohol out due to medical reasons several months ago but even…
  • I've been getting chopped salads lately. Spinach and the chopped lettuce with green peppers, tomato, cucumbers, red onion, pickles, and I get double chicken with the sweet onion dressing. Delicious and the salad is HUGE.
  • I do like the fiber one brownies too. They also just came out with soft/crunchy chocolate and oatmeal raisin cookies. My go to chocolate fix is a strawberry or raspberry greek yogurt (Dannon Light & Fit 80 Calorie) with a tablespoon of ghirardelli mini chocolate chips mixed in and then pop it in the freezer for an hour or…
  • I found a recipe that is so easy. Get extra firm tofu and drain it well. Slice it in half and then in half again and place all 4 slices on a lined/sprayed baking sheet. Baste the tofu steaks with 3 tablespoons of Bragg's Amino Soy Sauce and 1 tablespoon of sesame oil (mixed) I also put a little chopped garlic in mine but…
  • - Warming Quest bars (or whatever protein bar you eat) up in the microwave for about 7 seconds gives them a great texture and makes it almost like indulging in a warm, gooey cookie or brownie! - Along those same lines, top baked potatoes or tacos with a Tbsp. of plan greek yogurt instead of sour cream [/quote] +1 for the…
  • celery/peppers/sugar snap peas/cherry tomatoes with hummus, fiber one cookies/brownies, greek yogurt, quest bars, roasted veggies with coconut oil, chicken sausage, baked tofu, oatmeal, bananas, raw almonds...
  • I allow myself one 10oz cup k-cup a day and use 2 of the prepackaged International Delight creamers (I love Almond Joy) and vanilla flavored stevia. 62 calories and my coffee need is met. I found that when I was buying the fat free/sugar free bottle of creamers I was always over pouring. I like knowing that I can just grab…
  • soda/pop is my #1 I was never a huge addict to begin with but then I started taking topamax a few years ago for my migraines and don't miss it at all. McDonald's, etc I also don't find satisfying any more. Easy yes, but I now view my diet differently, I like knowing I can have more food for the same amount of calories and…
  • I bring oranges (sumo's are my favorite), little bags of angies kettle corn if I really want popcorn (140 calories/bag), celery/carrots/peppers, no salt pretzels, quest bars....
  • Not necessarily weight loss friendly but I really enjoy their mandarin chicken (frozen section) and chicken fried rice. I buy their frozen peppers and onions to put in my egg white omelets too. I'll be honest, I don't think "healthy" when I think of Trader Joe's. I think "niche". I like their nuts and dried fruit, almond…
  • a strawberry cheesecake quest bar just now in the car on the way to work.
  • Buy a tumbler or bottle that holds a good amount of water and fill that up a couple times of day. I have one that hold 24oz. I try to drink that 3x while I'm at work. I also drink water when I wake up (usually just 8oz or so) and I also work out after work so I have a bottle with me then. I will also usually have water to…
  • veggies and hummus, greek yogurt, raw almonds, fiber one brownies/cookies, quest bars, clemetines, apples w/pb....
  • I eat a quest bar usually within 10-15 minutes of waking up at 7am and then between 10-11am I have a 80 calorie greek yogurt and a banana. Weekends I'm a sucker for an egg white omelette and toast with fruit.
  • I just use veggies to dip. Cherry/grape tomatoes, celery, slice bell peppers, broccoli, carrots.
  • I buy low sodium black bean soup (Dr.McDougall's) and make a batch of quinoa at the beginning of the week. I make a cup of soup and throw a 1/4 or 1/2 cup of quinoa into the soup and heat it up. I usually eat that with cut up celery/peppers/tomatoes and a hummus cup. Filling and delicious.
  • I went to Bonefish Grill last night and tried to stick as close to my limits as possible. I had the sirloin and crab cake dinner with broccoli and snap peas. The table ordered bang bang shrimp I had three pieces and I was fine. Until the lady put the bread and oil right in front of me! I had two pieces of bread/oil. Even…
  • Do you really need to eat an entire container of Nutella to satisfy a PMS craving? I get the craving for crap I truly do, but eating a massive amount like that is in my opinion going overboard. Can you eat oatmeal for breakfast with a scoop of nutella in it? I do that if I need the chocolate fix during that time of the…
  • Soda, alcohol, white potatoes, rice. I drink only water now and one or two cups of coffee/tea a day max. I used to slug back massive amounts of coffee/soda/redbull as a means of medicating myself from my migraines. Now I'm on meds so I'm not od'ing on all that crap. As for the potatoes and rice, I like sweet potatoes and…
  • hemp protein and flax shake with almond milk,banana, pb and honey. 100 calorie yogurt later.
  • My fiance made me a veggie power smoothie this morning (he's juicing this week) but I was starving 2 hours later so I just made myself a Special K oatmeal cup. I usually have a P28 bagel with natural PB. Keeps me full from 7:30am-1pm.
  • Crackers and hummus with a sumo orange and a greek yogurt.
  • Instead of ordering food today (chinese) I ate what I brought (salad and an orange). I really wanted that chinese food but I'm doing a 1-1 session with my trainer tonight which she refers to as 'super cardio' I just dreaded the thought of eating that stuff and then working out later. It still sounds delicious though...
  • I had a stroke when I was a child and my right side is about 20-25% weaker than my left. I weight lift and you can really tell when I bench because the bar will dip (same with squats) but I still work both sides. I'm much more cognizant of what limitations I have with my right side when doing dumbell presses and things…
  • Grande Americano with some type of flavored syrup and a bit of non fat milk. I get the best of both worlds with that :smile:
  • ~$400/month. I pay $100 for four sessions a week with a trainer. My fiance pays $100/month for the two of us in membership fees but he rarely goes to the gym. I go and work out Mondays and Tuesday in the weightroom for an hour, and then two other days I do 30 minute HIIT sessions. It's an exorbitant amount of money but I'm…
  • I originally planned to bring all my bridesmaids and mom but I want to go to Boston (I live in upstate ny) to dress shop as they have more stores and my extended family live there. But it got too stressful trying to find a weekend when all my bridesmaids were free so I squashed it. I decided to just bring my mom and MOH…
  • I love love love mine! I swear some days its the only thing to make me want to go to the gym! - Don't hang out in there too long (max 15-20 minutes) because it can mess with your heart. - Don't go in it if you have any type of heart condition (my fiance has a-fib and can't sit in saunas) I like to go in before I work out…
  • -10oz coffee with stevia drops and either Coconut Hazelnut creamer or Cinnabon creamer - Earnest Oats American Blend made with unsweetened almond milk, a sprinkle of black walnut turbinado sugar and a handful of blueberries. I used to try and change it up, but I've found that the oatmeal really keeps my hunger in check. If…