d13raven Member


  • I will say off the bat, I am not a vegetarian. But I do cook several meatless dishes. I like to grill yellow squash and zucchini when my husband wants to grill steak. Also for dishes with meat in them that are casserole like I use lentil or the morning star crumbles to substitute (it also works really well to replace taco…
  • Jazzy, I think I agree with some of the others on this. There is no shame in asking for help. There are lots of cities that have support groups for people with eating disorders. I agree that you should talk with your doctor, you might have the beginning of one (eating disorder), at the very least talk with the doc about…
  • Quinoa (instead of brown or white rice). Spinach (much higher in good vitamins, helps to get the dark rings out from under your eyes too), frozen and fresh fruits for smoothies, bran (to add to the smoothies to give it more substance), greek yogurt, baby carrots, hummus (baby carrots and hummus make a great noon-time…