mom2ady Member


  • Checking in. Level 1 Day 6 Complete :happy:
  • Finished Level 1 Day 5 today. I made it through but barely. My knees and ankles are really hurting. I am going to see how I feel tomorrow but I might need a day off or just focus more on my upper body for a day. Any suggestions. Thanks
  • Just finished Level 1 Day 4, 1st time I made it all the way through and didn't have to stop at all!!! :)
  • Ok, so I didn't get a chance to check in yesterday but I did finish Day 3 of Level 1. Some things are getting easier and others are still kicking my butt. Not looking forward to doing Day 4 today but I just have to remember how great I feel about myself after I do it and that is my motivation for today! :)
  • Just finished day 2 Level one. Wow, I was really sore today but I did it! I am really excited for tomorrow! Thanks for letting me share :)
  • Hi everyone. I read your post and decided I am in. Just finished Day 1 Level 1 and excited for tomorrow :) This is my first time every really wanting and trying to lose weight and get into shape. So glad I found this site. Thanks