

  • I understand completly. I am 5'6" and I was told that I should aim for about 135-145. But I have pics of myself when I was in my early to mid 20's and I was very thin looking and actually had ribs and hip and collar bones sticking out. To me I looked almost too thin. But I actually weighed 145, give or take during that…
  • The problem I am having right now is that I eat about every three hours, usually I eat protein of some kind, chicken, turkey, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, and I combine it with either fruit or veggies and sometimes whole grain bread or crackers. But despite eating ALL DAY, I am constantly starving! My stomach…
  • lkm111 , I was on Alli about a year ago and the plan that came with it stressed that eating too little fat was counterproductive and might stall your weight loss efforts. I have also heard, though I have not done alot of research and do not know if it is true or not, that your body does not store fats that you eat as fat…
  • I have been told by many people that if you eat too few calories your body goes into starvation mode and it is hard to loose weight. Maybe try adding more calories, like go up to 1350 or 1400 or try adding a little more excercise. Most importantly, dont be too hard on yourself. Hitting platues (sp?) is normal. But it does…