AttilaTheHorn Member


  • I am actually a psychiatrist and would like to comment on every single person's entry here but there is just too much so I kept it simple... If you want to lose weight avoid Seroquel, Zyprexa, Clozaril, Depakote, and mirtazapine. ALL of those are notorious for makin people gain weight. Sometimes Clozaril is the only…
  • Seroquel and mirtazapine are terrible when it comes to making people gain weight. The only thing worse is clozapine - which is the worst drug there is for weight gain. That's why I avoid prescribing those three if at all possible. Almost everyone who takes those gains at least 15 lbs and usually more. And there are…
  • And yeah don't be intimidated by the guys in the weight area. Worry about nobody but yourself! Everyone started out as a beginner. Most of those meathead guys will be glad to show you how to do things. I know...I am one and have known many. Most of us are good guys who like showing beginners how its done.
  • Buy "Starting Strength" by Mark Rippetoe. Read it, do it, live it. Use barbells and dumbbell and avoid machines. Bench presses, shoulder presses, squats, deadlifts, assisted pull ups. No pain no gain. Start out with Lighter weights and use perfect form to avoid injuries. Do all that and you'll get really good results!
  • I am a psychiatrist (seriously...I am) and I think you're fine and to be commended on your magnificent efforts.'ve seen a psychiatrist. You're fine! No need for any follow up appointments! On the other hand...tell your GP she needs to see a psychiatrist.