perwillpass Member


  • Oh my god, you have no idea how happy I am to read that you're all doing so well on keto/low carb!! I have PCOS too and have never tried to lose weight before. I've been eating pretty healthy (all organic and vegan) for like a year and half and still managed to gain weight. I had no idea that carbs were so bad for us and…
  • Also have PCOs... Will be adding all of you for support :D
  • Oh my GOD !!! You guys cannot believe the relief that I'm feeling reading this post. I am morbidly obese with PCOS. I have around 130lbs to lose. I am currently at 330. I know it is ridiculous. I was at 321 a few weeks ago but seem to be gaining weight DAY AFTER DAY. I have gained SO much in the last few years and am still…