

  • No, veggies have calories and carbs. The plan is 40/40/20 protein, carbs and fats. You need these. Then you add veggies and there is a list he's specific about, along with limited fruit. He says that veggies are fiber rich and low in calories, which will help you stay on this short term plan, fill you up and assist with…
  • @LaraMc71 Great idea! How many pumps are you using? Wanted to add that taking your measurements is helpful. I didn't lose any more lbs. this AM but noticed that my measurements have dropped somewhat significantly. That was enough to help keep me on the path. Honestly, while there are some delicious dishes, at this point…
  • @Sapporo I haven't noticed that, but will take a look. Must say, the meals with avocado = heaven!
  • I'm on day 6 of the Jumpstart plan and I've lost 5 lbs so far. I'm never really hungry. You eat A LOT of veggies. I sometimes find myself struggling to eat my meals, but I do so knowing that I need those calories. I do experience a dip of energy in the afternoon. Yesterday I tried an espresso and that helped. Yesterday was…
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