cutie_pie_1995 Member


  • im 5"0 and am currently 90lbs but i hope continue to lose more weight and ultimately get to 75....but i doubt ill be able to, so ill just see as i go
  • well i always cry when i get nervous and when i have a panic attack i cry even more to the point where i can no longer breath properly and start to hyperventilate. my whole body tenses up and starts to shake. i have even gotten so nervous that ive thrown up. in fact the first few years of highschool i wouldnt be able to…
  • basically any tea, im addicted :P when u get good quality loose tea it doesnt need any milk or sugar added, in fact if u do add them ull just ruin it. davids tea has a great selection of flavoured tea that r really delicious! they even have one called "birthday cake", really great treat and is 0 cal! :D
  • im exactly 5 foot and I started at 95lbs about and i have currently lost albs but ultimately id like to get down to 80-85ish...or until im happy with what i see in the mirror. but thats just me, everyone different :)
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