Bradfi Member


  • Let me get that open. And Im going to be honest, i have no idea what an endocrinologist is!
  • I track everything on here. Some days Im hungrier than others, so i never go under 1,200, and never above 1,400. I log every day, and work out more than my husband does. I eat healthier than he does and he has lost 10lbs to my 1lbs. The problem with my body right now is I was unmonitored by a gynecologist who thought…
  • Hmmm. Ive heard of yeast on the tongue causing constant sweet cravings. Maybe go to the doctor and get your tongue swabbed for yeast.
  • Know this is a really late reply, but it is indeed bursitis. Ive struggled with this for 4 years now. Its the worst!
  • Thank you! I'm dying to go running, I have so much energy! but I know I need to give it time to "chill out" before I really hurt it. This is the longest I've gone without running in close to 2 months!
  • When you work any muscle, it's going to make you look SEXY. Not big as in chubby. I don't know anyone who would choose to have a loose, untoned tummy over a hard, curvy, goddess like belly. Will it make thicken up a little bit of the hour glass shape in your waist and make you look "straighter"? Maybe, it depends on your…
  • For me, I LOVE sweets. Soda, chocolate, lots of goodies. If you have a hard time getting away from the sweets, change what sweets you're eating. Personally I don't believe in diets, I believe in clean eating. Eating REAL food, not food-like products is what dropped me 10lbs in a month. When you get a sweet craving, eat an…