

  • Hi. I am 55, and have been to many doctors. Some I would like to choke to death, some I can live without, and then there are 1 or 2 I owe my life to. It takes time, but look around and ask questions from other patients and even nurses, they know some of the better doctors. If it were not for my the suggestion of my pain…
  • yes. It's time to get a new doctor who actually listens to you. I did, and 1 year later I have had gastric bypass lost a total of 70 lbs. I feel better than I have in years and I am glad I changed doctors. Check around with other patients and get their opinion on other Doctors on the same insurance plan. You'll be glad you…
  • hey for you. Hope you continue to lose more. My highest weight was 317 and I am now down to 252 after having gastric bypass. I have been on so many diets in my life that after the fifth one I said screw it. Then my pain therapist sent me a doctor who worked with me and a year later I am almost 70lbs lighter. It has helped…
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