

  • YES
  • Somebody pray for me:glasses: I am doing great on the no beer and I replaced it with diet root beer. But as of yesterday I dropped the diet root beer to take my diet up a notch. The diet root beer is not that great. I saw a program on Dr. Oz with scientist showing how the carbonation leads to simple carb cravings. And its…
  • good for you and .......that is very sexy!
  • Wow thanks for all the encouragement! you folks are great and so positive. I now have lost a solid 4" on my waist and have to buckle my belt to the second hole or my pants will fall down! So its now almost time to go to my thinner jeans!! I am not focusing on the weight so much though.........I am lifting weights and…
  • Hah, this place is great. You folks are funny, real people. As I said, I WILL drink if I go out and they have IPA.........but I have not been out to eat in 32 days...... Beer IS great......... I just want washboard abs, better biking, and feel better/look better. I will turn 50 on May 7 so.........that is another goal of…
  • Hah. well, I don't think I was an alcoholic........I think it would have been a lot harder to do this.........also, I have no craving for it...... But yeah, In some circles its borderline alcoholic based on consumption........but its weird my doctor and shrink both said they drink about 3 servings a night of alcohol. :)
  • Did a 26 mile bike ride which has a very steep and steady climb from mile 16 - 20. Usually that climb wipes me out and I coast the last 6 miles but today I soared up the hill and had plenty left over.
  • Thanks folks. But you all realize 30 beers a week is A LOT OF BEER! :) I have not been out to eat at a restaurant in those 30 days but I am open to drinking a beer with my dinner. So I have not given up 100%.
  • The taller the better. I am only 5'7" (male) and it drives me crazy when women are taller than me and also I think a taller women in heels is super sexy.
  • If any of you females care to have a male perspective I am offering one here. Maybe this won't matter but... I don't care what a woman weighs........Its more is she healthy, firm, fit. I have seen all shapes and sizes that I am personally attracted to at the 5'7" height. And personally 5'7" being above average is already…
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