

  • added hun! all the best and feel free to chat :)
  • What an inspiration you are to everyone on this site. You look fantastic and should be so proud of yourself. Its people like you who can help the rest of us who fall at the first hurdle.
  • Thanks Girls! Its so hard i swear the food calls my name! Yeah i dont want to give myself a really hard target so im saying to start with i want to loose 30lbs. Its not a huge goal to meet but i bet it will be a struggle anyway! Good Luck girls and you know where i am if you need a chat! :)
  • OMG you look amazing... !!!!! What an inspiration you are to everyone
  • Thanks everyone, ive been eating fish etc anyway so hope i see some improvment though at the moment i only seem to be gaining lbs! cant complain though, i do have a life inside me!
  • Thanks, im actually pregnant right now so is there anything i can so / eat to increase it rather than heavy exercise as i did not work out before so am not use to it... Thanks
  • Well done you! x
  • Hi Mel I am the same, i find it hard to loose weight too and give up quickley. Im back on here starting again but i cant loose much yet as im expecting my second child in June. As soon as she is born, i will try my hardest but for now im going to cal count and make sure i keep within a good amount of calorie intake per…
    in Hi Comment by Cara3023 February 2012
  • I am new too (a returning customer!)... and wondering the same really... i am 465 under cal target today!