You are correct. Inspiration is what I am seeking. I couldn't think of the wording I was looking for when I put the post up. Thank you! Congrats on your weight loss, by the way! 85 lbs is a great accomplishment!
I am so proud of you! That is wonderful! Keep up the great work!
Get the book (you can download it if you have a tablet for cheaper than buying out right) (through amazon) The Doctor's Diet by Dr. Travis Stork. He is a doctor from Vanderbilt in Nashville TN (which is near me and a wonderful hospital) and is on the show The Doctor's. It teaches you how to eat right, what to eat, what to…
cup full
Some things you can do are: Chicken rice soup (add any veggies you want), chicken baked with any dressing (liquid or dry, but ranch and italian do better dry), stir fry (veggies, chicken, teriyaki sauce and garlic). Plus this website is my favorite! They have a little of everything. Type in what you have (ingredients) and…
As most everyone on here has said, WOW! Congratulations! I bet you feel a lot better! I'm down only 9 so far but already feeling better, not only about myself, but in the physical sense too. Keep up the good work!
the only friend I have on this site so far is my sister, but I have lots of motivation to share! Anyone can feel free to add me.
Keep your chin up! It wasn't meant to be and there are other plans for your life! You don't need a man for you to feel complete, you need one who will encourage you and love you regardless. He wasn't the one for you, but there is another out there and when you are ready, you will find the one who deserves you!