

  • Hi- I am 5'0 29 years old and I am currently 137 lbs. I started on my weightloss journey on New Years Day 2011. I weighed 172 lbs which was more than I weighed when I was 9 months pregnant with my son who was 3 at the time. I did Weight Watchers Online for about 6 months and lost 36 lbs (136). Then over the next two years…
  • I absolutely loved weight watchers when I did it in the past. It helped me lose 30lbs. However, I honestly feel like My Fitness Pal offers the same concepts without the group meeting. In Weight Watchers you count points, and you can earn extra points by exercising. With MFP you count calories and can earn extra calories by…
  • I had the same issue with being stuck for several weeks at the same weight. I had consistantly been eating 1200 calories daily. I had even added walking 5 days a week without the scale moving. Last week I started calorie cycling and it has seemed to rejump start my metabilism. I ate 1200 for 4 days and then on the other 3…
  • Measure you inches. Sometimes when I stall on the scale, I am actually reducing inches. By measuring both you can track your progress. This will help you stay encouraged even if the scale isnt moving.