nataliem257 Member


  • I just had lunch. I had a salad from a local restaurant with spring mix,a few small grilled shrimp, hearts of palm, papaya, avacado, shaved jalepeno, cilantro, and a drizzle of Chili-lime dressing. It's literally my favorite thing in the world to eat right now, I'd take it over chocolate cake any day of the week. I'm…
  • This is fascinating. I have never heard of this in my life.. but the leangains method is basically what I've been doing every time I've ever went on a "diet". I almost always skip breakfast and only have coffee, lunch somewhere between 11:30-11:45, dinner between 5:00-5:30, and a snack between 7:00-7:30 if i feel hungry.…
  • Haha 2% milk is the only low fat thing I do, and I think I only do that because my mom did and whole milk tastes weird to me. I also buy real butter and full fat dressings, I just use less. I don't think its a coincidence that morbid obesity skyrocketed back in the 90s right about the time the low fat diet craze hit. I can…
  • I understand the risks of undereating, thats not my point. My point is that is it not possible to undereat eating 1200 calories a day if you eat high calorie foods with low nutrient content that don't leave you feeling sustained, and by that same logic is it not possible to eat less than 1200 calories a day if i'm eating…
  • 600 a day is way too low, no doubt. But I get annoyed at people who are constantly throwing out the 1200 number like its some sort of magic threshold. I have been constantly dropping my calories per the recommendations of MFP over the last few months (56 lbs so far), but after a month or 2 at 1200 the weight loss…
  • La Bandarita low carb tortillas. 86 calories and 5 grams of net carbs. Just as filling as a sandwich and a really good option when you're on the go. Also, switching from mayo to mustard, and stopping putting cheese on sandwiches has cut at least 200-300 calories out of my day. Doesn't taste as good, but I end up just as…