williamson80 Member


  • SUPPLIMENT BROCHURE ASSIGNMENT You and a partner can select one of the following suppliments and present the who,what,when,where,how, and why's in a two panel brochure (templete available on microsoft word). The assignment is due any time before May 22nd. Please submit a digital copy aswell as a printed hard copy…
  • http://www.precisionnutrition.com/strategies.pdf The link above is a 40 page document about nutrition. Please read it and write a comparing/contrasting reflection between this information and the nutrition rule of three we discussed in class. One paragraph reflection due each day next week. I will give 2 marks for these…
  • Please right Thursday's march 20th's reflection based on your progress. We are two weeks into training. Have you gained/ lost the weight you anticipated by this time. If you projected to lose 1kg/wk you should have lost 2 kg by today. Determine if you are approaching your goal, reached your goal or surpassed your goal.…
  • Please do not cut and paste. Tell me what you learned in your own words. I read the article, you only looked at it.
  • Please read one of the following articles in the link below and tell us three things you have learned from them. This will be the only required Reflection for this week. Due Thursday BEFORE class. http://www.globalrph.com/harris-benedict-equation.cgi…