Because I'm incredibly insecure.
I too watched this movie. It begins with a severe misunderstanding of what micronutrients and macronutrients are, and the science doesn't get much better from there. It was a great story, well-told and well-filmed, but I also found myself repeatedly asking why he wouldn't just EAT some of the myriad of vegetables. Was he…
This is the worst logic I have ever seen applied in any argument regarding weight loss. Seriously, not even "muscle weighs more than fat" comes close to the massive infusion of fallacy inherent in the above-quoted passage. I would really, truly, desperately like to see you reformat this into a syllogism that arrives at the…
Nutella is mostly palm oil and sugar, so if you define "bad food" as "food with little nutritional value," then yes, it is bad. If you would like something a tiny bit healthier, but still delicious and calorie-dense, I really enjoy Peanut Butter &Co. Dark Chocolate Dreams. The flavour profile is similar, but with peanut…
After you work out next time, put a bunch of axle grease on both the bar and the bench. ....that will show him.