

  • I actually finished it today!! I did modify and took a tiny break between sections 1/2, but I am SO proud of myself for finishing. Tomorrow, I'm going to try no break. :o) Good luck everyone! If I can do it, you can do it!!
  • I am super-size girl. I did one day of this a couple weeks ago (and only the first 6 minute section) and I thought I was going to die. It was insane. I did all of it - including the (modified) pushups. I am going to start it again, but does anyone have advice for me about trying to make it that whole time? I know JM says…
  • I have about 245 to lose now (down 30 pounds) for a final goal weight of 150-155. I am having a hard time feeling like I will ever get anywhere, although I know we all feel like that sometimes. Feel free to add me!! :)
  • That is some of the best motivation I have seen...I have around 275 to lose. Thank you for sticking with it and proving that it is possible!!
  • Oh, another thought that just popped into my head. I know that 2lbs./week is oft stated as a good "amount" to lose. I am not sure that quite applies to me as it does to others, because of my size. I do want to state as well that I am intelligent enough to know what is too far with weight loss measures. My sister is a…