PhotoMom82 Member


  • I've been on MFP for a couple years and have had great results ! Last year I was pregnant and now have a 6 mo old! Since I was inactive on her lost most off all my "friends" would love some new ones to help me along this journey and or me to encourage them as well! My goal is 35lbs and to eat better overall! LETS DO THIS!
  • Momma of a July baby too (baby girl) Looking to lose 40lbs! Feel free to add me!
  • Was doing great all last year up until my 30th birthday (in May)..fell off the "wagon" due to some medical issues and just started back up yesterday! Day at a time!! it's amazing how out of shape one can get in just a couple of MONTHS! Lost allot of my old friends since I was basically no longer on MFP any more! Would love…
  • Also a Mom of 3, all 8 and under! Being a stay at home mom is a challenge when it comes to dieting...grab a little bit here..a little there...I have made the decision to lose weight and change the way I think about food! My journey is not just to drop the weight (maybe that's my immediate goal) but to make a life style…