Diet coke, sugar-free drinks are always packed with aspartame.. Just a fake sugar.
That's a really good idea.. How did they taste? I'm going to try that.. I bet the cucumber is very refreshing!! Thank you for your help :)
Thanks for the tips, I will try the lemon zest for sure. As for the reasoning behind low carb/sugar, it is basic knowledge that those should be kept low. I eat carbs in the morning so I have time to burn them off throughout the day. Lunchtime and forward, I eat as little carbs as possible. Same with sugars. I've lost over…
Eating one meal a day can toss your body into starvation mode which is NOT what I'm interested in doing. Eating 6-8 small meals (call them snacks if you want) is much better for me.
Guys, whoa, hang on. A "meal" could consist of a handful of nuts for crying out loud. Maybe I should have said 6-8 smaller meals throughout the day and it would've been better understood. All I was asking was for ideas on high protein foods that are low in carbs and sugars. It's a very common, widely used diet. High…
The idea is to "graze" all day instead of just a couple big meals. 8 meals is more of a guideline.
8 small meals throughout the day is much better than 3 big meals a day-- boosts the metabolism. It's okay if I eat double the protein for one meal and skip it for the next, but it's best to even it out.