

  • I noticed you live in Vegas. I do too. There is a farm! Gilcrease Orchard. It is open May-December. 7800 N Tenaya Way. 702-645-1126. There are a few crops like Zucinni but tons of fruit trees and a pumpkin patch in the fall.
  • Have you tried the P90X routines? I am doing them and they are really tough but they always show you what to do for your level or as I like to call it the cheater moves. I also enjoy Zumba. It is super fun and you get to dance. My gym has a class a couple times a week. I thought I saw a Zumba on Demand and there is a WII…
  • Have you tried changing your workout routine? You might need to change it up a bit. Are you giving yourself a day off every week? Your body needs to rest in order to loose weight also. I lost 15lbs on my own with working out and paying attention to what I ate and did not drop a single pant size! Very frusterating although…
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