

  • I am in Gluten free and in Canada too...aiden's makes a really good bread substitute - just google aidens gluten free and you can see the locations - I finally got my hamburger(with a bun and not a 'lettuce bun' this year (thats where i would just wrap the meat in lettuce...... Their bread is probably the closest to real…
  • I have tried the the honey dijon and it doesn't taste as bad as it smells but pretty sure the no calories thing is a pile of crap. How can they have that many ingredients and still have 0 calories. I also found i losta couple lbs after i stopped eating it and whether that was a fluke or not i don't know. To reduce calories…
  • I know this is still using bought products but for the pasta salad try renees healthy salad dressings(most have 8-12 calories per tbsp)or fat free/light italian salad dressing with some reduced fat parmesan type cheese to add some flavor for the pasta salad - i usually just chop up some vggies and toss it in with the…