veritas_rasa Member


  • He remarks may have been unwanted but I don't see why everyone finds them so offensive that a man could lose his job over it (and he will too if he gets enough infractions). Why get HR involved at all? Do you think it's some kinda game? Seems like you all have a big chip on your shoulder. Save your outrage for real…
  • Drinking doesn't comfort anything. Next time go for a walk/run in a park. Don't starve yourself to make up for it, just get back on track.
  • You guys need to lighten up. He's just making conversation. Think of a witty comment for next time or just say "thanks for noticing but I think I'm shaping up nice". Calling for HR to bring him up on harassment is overkill. You really want to get this guy fired for saying he likes curvey women?
  • If the family will tolerate it, don't have those snack foods in the house. Otherwise, have something else available for snacking that isn't so bad for you. You could try drinking a glass of water to fill you up. Most snacking is from boredom and/or habit. Why are you getting up three times a night?
  • Posting just to keep this going. I'm not losing weight very quickly. So... FUArock and FBHO.
  • I've just joined too. Made my daughter join also. I figure she'll keep me on track and vice versa.
  • Me too. I think this tool will help me. So far I've already been surprised at how much sodium I've been consuming.