zdanr Member


  • No, the food taking in is positive, because you are adding it (to your body). The calories are negative, because you burned them or subtracted it from your body. You get a weekly report also, which tells you how you have done. I thought at first that you had to punch in every exercise, but it does it for you by your heart…
  • I allow myself one "junk food" on my fat Friday. I will eat one small, normal serving of whatever I have craved the most during the week. I was routinely getting a small milkshake for the first month or two on Friday. At first, I used this escape weekly, then it got so it was no longer necessary. It helps to know that you…
  • I have discovered that it is impossible to diet and really have success by living on abnormal foods and salads with near zero nutritional value. I am having steady slow weight loss without suffering every day. The secret to staying motivated is to plan your diet while using smaller amounts of foods similar to what you eat…