Greyeer Member


  • Room for another geek? I have been on MFP for years but I suck at the social part, an unfortunate side effect from being a geek I guess. Apart from weight loss goals (lost 32kgs, have 20kgs to go) I am trying to be a better functioning human being in general and that means stepping away from the BBC Sherlock episodes and…
  • I'm in! I want to get my blue belt in Taekwondo this June so I really need to get in better shape so I can physically cope with the moves. I am on my own for a big chunk of this year as my hubby just had spinal surgery and won't be able to train for at least another 6 months. Hence back to MFP for some virtual support! I'm…
  • I am 7th kup ITF TKD. When I started TKD last year I was wearing an extra large dobok. I have lost 12ks since January and have started assisting with the newbie and kids classes. On Monday I was gifted a new dobok by the owner of a the club as a thank you for my contribution to the running of the club. The best part? The…
  • My husband has struggled his whole life to put on weight and has had to put up with so many people telling him he is too skinny and has to eat more. (Small rant: If it's considered rude to tell a heavy person they are fat and need to eat less why is it ok to do the same thing to underweight people?!) He has a very physical…
  • You may have amended your comment from "real men like..." to "men like..." but you haven't amended your attitude. I don't think any of the men are being overly sensitive, I think they have a right to say "well hang on, I don't want some lady stranger telling me what I like". Lumping all men into your experience of menfolk…
  • Why does it matter what other people eat? Why do some people feel the need to pour some thinly veiled scorn on folks that choose to eat in a way which has no impact on anyone else's life in any way? I don't know where this food bigotry came from but it's rife among weight loss/fitness communities and I think it's bizarre,…
  • I trained shotokan karate for 2 years and got up to yellow belt before moving to a new area with no karate clubs. Did nothing for nearly a year but now I have found an ITF TKD club that is nearby and lets all grades and ages train together in one massive hall meaning my hubby, my 8 year old son and I could start training…